Reiki Training Certification Information
Reiki I & II Training Course Work:
- What is Reiki?
- History & Lineage of Reiki
- Attunement Reiki I & II
- Reiki Symbols
-What do the symbols mean? How do I apply them?
- Proper Reiki Hand Placements
for Client & Self- Sessions
- Reiki Practice with Classmates/Instructor
- Various Reiki Techniques to Send Reiki:
*Distance Reiki Sessions*
- Scanning Energy (Clients & Self)
- Code of Ethics & Standards of Practice
- How to Begin a Reiki Business (Basics)
- What Reiki Supplies do I need?
- Essential Oils & how that enhances the practice for you & the client
- Intuitive Abilities
- How to determine what abilities you possess & when it is appropriate to apply those abilities with a Reiki Client?
- How to cleanse & protect your own energy from energy drain from others?
- How to keep your own energy purified & to stay rooted & grounded?
- Open to all questions & discussions
Identifying Your Intuitive AbilitiesÂ
Online Self Guided Course
Many potential Reiki Students call to discuss their struggles with their Intuitive Abilities (Psychic Gifts) and struggle to understand what they are.
Often Empaths who struggle with their abilities, hide them, never speak of them feel an extreme energetic drain daily from the people they interact with: work, grocery store, family & friends.
We encourage these Seekers to enroll in this basic course to help them to define what their abilities are.Learn the basic definitions of the types of abilities which exist.
This is the first step to gain control of these abilities and to begin to understand who you are.
Why should I train with Fire Fly?
This is not just Reiki Training.
We openly discuss Intuitive Abilities, Energetic Boundaries, how to protect one's own energy and not to feel drained by others.
The Reiki Master teaching the training has multiple Intuitive Abilities & shares her personal experience to help her students with abilities to navigate through their own gifts.

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