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Drop In & Class Packs:


All Drop ins & Walk In must pre-register & pre-pay on the website or on Spaces by Wix App.



All non-members who purchase Drop In Class or Class Pack, Yoga Workshops, Specialty Classes & Yoga Events must sign Studio Policy Agreement, Liability Release Form, Image/Media release, Covid Policy and the Emergency Contact form in order to participate in any classes with Fire Fly Yoga & Reiki School.


If a non-members register for class and is a no show, your pre-paid class will be charged with no refunds, non-transferrable, no credits, no exceptions. 


Unlimited Memberships:


To Commence attendance at Fire Fly Yoga & Reiki School, All Members must have the following signed and on file: Membership Contract Term Agreements, General Studio Policy Agreement, Liability Insurance, Covid Policy, Image/Media Release, Emergency Contact Form and Credit Card on file for Auto Draft Monthly Membership payment set up. Contracted Memberships are non-refundable, non-transferable, no credits, no exceptions. 


All members must pre-register and sign up for each class online or in the app. No walk ins. Walk in Students are reserved for Drop In Students with regularly scheduled classes. So please refer to website/app class bookings. 


Student Membership

• Minors under the age of (18) must be enrolled by Legal Guardian/Parent.  Legal Guardian/Parent is required to set up Monthly auto-pay with valid credit card and sign all forms for each minor participating:  Membership Contract, Studio Policy Agreement, Liability Release, Covid Policy, Emergency Contact form, & any additional paperwork the Studio may require.


• College/University Students must be enrolled in a legitimate course of study. To maintain student pricing, each term a copy of your tuition receipt is required and a copy of a valid dated Student ID is also required. In the event of discontinuation of your schooling, your student membership will cancel immediately.  At this time, you may pursue a regular priced membership agreement or continue participation through drop in pricing or purchase a class pack. No exceptions!  


To Commence attendance at Fire Fly Yoga & Reiki School, All Student Members must have the following signed and on file: Membership Contract Term Agreements, set up monthly auto-draft, General Studio Policy Agreement, Liability Insurance, Covid Policy, Image/Media Release, Emergency Contact Form and Credit Card on file for Auto Draft Monthly Membership payment set up. Contracted Memberships are non-refundable, non-transferable, no credits, no exceptions.


All members must pre-register and sign up for each class online or in the app. No walk ins. Walk in Students are reserved for Drop In Students with regularly scheduled classes. So please refer to website/app class bookings. 




ALL Scheduled Classes Are Subject to Change


• Due to low number of Class Attendees/ Staffing Issues & Scheduling/Studio Discretion – all classes are subject to change.

• Class Schedule Changes will be reflected on our website as well as an email announcement to all Members & Class Pack Holders & all who provide the studio with a valid email address on the website.

• Always check on website/Spaces on Wix App to confirm your registered classes


Seasonal Class Schedules Alert

***Each SEASON (4) Times per calendar year: Winter, Spring, Summer & Fall will be a new class schedule. This is due to class participation. Yoga Classes are in higher demand with a more active community in the Winter & Fall Months. Spring & Summer Months due to the beautiful warm weather there is less demand and participation. Fire Fly Yoga & Reiki School Class Schedules will be based on demand & class participation with each season. ***


Holidays Observed/Studio Closings


***Please refer to website Studio Information Menu Page. There is a tab marked, "HOLIDAYS OBSERVED/DATES CLOSED"

All dates closed are subject to change. Please check website for these closed dates & for limited Holiday Scheduling throughout the Calendar year.

***Please take Note: This is a brand new small business.

Studio will close for approximately (2) full weeks or (10-14) days per calendar year for vacation in addition to holidays. ***

Yoga Teachers need to have their vacation and family time just like our clients. 





Covid Policy

State of Arkansas lifted statewide Mask Mandate on February 26, 2021. State of Arkansas lifted Mask Mandate for Gyms & Fit Centers in May 2021.  It is no longer the law and no longer required by the State of Arkansas.  Arkansas Health Department has provided guidelines as suggestions. Please click the links below for suggested Covid-19 Guidelines provided by the State of Arkansas:


Fire Fly Yoga & Reiki School is aligned with State Mandates and we respect and value the Health Department’s Guidelines but we shall not enforce it.  We highly encourage the usage of facemasks for your own health and well-being and to help stop the Spread of Covid-19. We highly encourage all clients & students to schedule your FREE Covid-19 vaccinations including your FREE Booster shots for your own health and safety, (we will provide information where to receive your shots if you inquire), but we (Fire Fly Yoga & Reiki School) shall NOT require it.  We believe it is a personal choice.  Everyone is a grown adult and free to make their own choices & decisions.

 Staff will also not be required to be vaccinated or masked when they are on the premises.  We will highly suggest it and encourage the staff to get vaccinated. Again, it is NOT State required. The State has given its residence the power of choice and we shall respect that.

The Studio & Staff will do our best to sanitize and keep a strict cleaning schedule at the studio & its offices.

 We will provide Hand Sanitation stations in as many areas as we can and as our space shall allow for your convenience. Again, it is your personal responsibility to take heed & bring what you need for your own health & safety pertaining to Covid-19. 

By signing Fire Fly Yoga & Reiki School Liability Release/Waiver (which is required for all to participate), you are agreeing to release Fire Fly Yoga & Reiki School of any liability. By signing the Liability Release, you agree to retain all personal responsibility of risk of injury and risk of exposure to Covid-19 by attending any scheduled classes, event, workshop, training, social gathering, etc. 

*** Please go to the website to view personal note from Studio Owner, Cat McGowan, on the topic of Covid-19.



Payments & Pre-Registration Policies

·    Drop-in's, class packages, and monthly unlimited purchases can be completed in person or online using website (online option after opening day, October 25th, 2021) accessible through the "schedule" page of this website, the Space by Wix App, or via walking into the studio. 


·    Pre-registration for classes IS CURRENTLY required as we are limited by class sizes. If you pre-register for a class and are unable to attend you MUST cancel at least 2-hours before the class time or risk losing a class from your Class Pack or being charged a $15 no-show fee. All drop-in classes, class packages, and Monthly unlimited packages are non-transferrable. Under no special circumstances, Fire Fly Yoga & Reiki School will refund or credit for any no show pre-registered class or workshop or paid event. No refunds. No Credits.  Non-transferrable.


·    To register as a Fire Fly Yoga & Reiki School student you must be at least 18 years of age. Students under the age of 18 are required to provide written consent from a parent and/or legal guardian. Registration details provided must be correct and complete. Students are required to be at least 16 to attend adult classes on their own. Children aged 12 years and older are allowed to attend classes that their parents are attending with prior permission with advanced notice from the Studio Owner. We leave this at the discretion of the parent with permission from the Studio if it is a regularly scheduled class. You know your child better than anyone else if you feel like they can behave in the yoga class setting they are welcome. If there is any disruption by a child you may be asked to take your child into the lobby. 

·    We do periodically offer younger kids yoga classes on the schedule, please check the schedule for the relevant terms/age ranges for those classes. Those classes Children are Welcomed without permission of Studio Owner as they are formal classes for children and their parents/legal guardian.


·    All classes that are heated, or otherwise have the word "Hot" or "Warm" in the title are for students who are age 18 and above. No exceptions!


Attending Classes / Classroom Etiquette


·    All students are required to fill out and sign the Fire Fly Yoga & Reiki School New Student In Take form, Studio Policy, Liability Release, Image/Media Release and Covid Release. 

·    If you created your FireFly Yoga & Reiki School account online via this site or the Spaces by Wix App, then you may have already filled out the registration and waiver. You can also simply come into the studio 15 to 20 minutes before any scheduled class and register in-studio and sign the agreements and forms.


·    Students must arrive and check in with reception at least five minutes prior to the beginning of class. If you are late and the class door is locked then the class is already in session and we cannot permit you to enter. This is a way of honoring the other attendees of the class and the yoga space. ​ If you are late and the class door is opened and class is in session, please come in quietly without disturbing other students.  This will be up to the discretion of each instructor whether they permit late entry and if they decide to lock the class door. Once class begins, there is no guarantee of your entry if you are late arrival.


• Students must bring your own yoga mat  (or purchase a yoga mat in our retail lobby) and water bottle. Water will not be provided in the studio.


• Fire Fly Yoga & Reiki School is a shoeless Studio.  Please leave all shoes in the main lobby area before entering the studio space. 


Empty Cubicles will be provided inside the Studio for your personal affects. VIP Members have reserved cubicles. Please refrain from using the empty VIP cubes. All other spaces are limited and available on First Come, First Serve basis.  It is not guaranteed for each student who will be participating in each yoga class, workshop, training, etc. Please leave ALL valuables and large personal items locked inside your own vehicle.


·    Prior to the start of class, students are required to inform the instructor of any health issues or relevant physical issues. Instructors are not medically trained or medical professionals. It is up to the discretion of the student participant and their own responsibility, choice and judgement to participate in any classes or activities offered at the studio despite informing the instructor. 


·    Fire Fly Yoga & Reiki School has no mats for students. You must bring your own yoga mat or purchase in the retail lobby.  Fire Fly Yoga & Reiki School has yoga props provided for your practice: Yoga Bolsters, Yoga Blocks, Yoga Straps, folding chairs (for Chair Yoga) & small face towels. We do not currently lend or rent any yoga mats or props or blankets.


·    Our lobby doors remain unlocked during class time so you are responsible for your own belongings, we request for you to bring minimal and essential items into the studio (keys, wallet, yoga mat, personal yoga equipment) Please leave all other miscellaneous personal belongings in the safety of your car or trunk. 


·    Mobile phones / tablets/Apple or Smart Watches. Please completely silence these items (no-vibrate) and leave them with your belongings. We ask that you shut your phones off.


• Lost Items. Fire Fly Yoga & Reiki School will not be responsible for lost or stolen items under any circumstances. We under no circumstances will hold items for you at the front desk.  Please refrain from bringing valuables into the studio. The Studio provides a Lost and Found Box for items students may leave behind. Every Friday, items will be removed, donated or disposed of.


·    Leaving Early: The final relaxation pose, called Corpse Pose — "Savasana" (shah-VAHS-uh-nuh) in Sanskrit — is vital to your practice. It’s a time for stillness and deep rest that lets your body fully receive the benefits of yoga. If you absolutely must leave early, let your teacher know prior to class, place yourself in close proximity to the door and leave quietly before Savasana starts. Be sure to allow sufficient time to collect your mat and belongings.


Class Behavior: We gently & kindly ask you to refrain from interrupting the flow of class for your fellow classmates and being respectful to the yoga instructors. Failure to comply will result in permanent removal of membership. We understand some students suffer from serious mental & physical health issues and mobility issues and may experience physical discomforts during his or her practice.  But we ask you to refrain from loud verbal disruptions in class including: grunting, moaning, groaning, wise alec remarks, jokes, any verbal outbursts is considered an interruption in class. This studio does not tolerate such disrespectful behavior especially as it interrupts flow of class and disrupts other students attending the class which disrupts the flow of business. Failure to comply will result in removal from the community and membership revoked permanently. We reserve the right to refuse service if a person disrupts the flow of business.


Inclement Weather Cancellations

• In an effort to keep everyone safe during inclement weather we will need to cancel classes from time to time.  If Bella Vista, AR and Bentonville, AR Public Schools are closed, classes will be cancelled for your safety. Class cancellations will be posted on the website (as long as there is access to the internet) and also an email will notify Studio members with email accounts signed up on:

• Due to Inclement Weather Cancellations, you may contact us via email at: or via text message at: (479)323-2200



Scents & Aromas

• Scents – Fire Fly Yoga & Reiki School studio, lobby & offices spaces may be diffusing essential oil scents, burning incense, cleaning scents. Students & Clients may arrive with a scent, perfume, cologne on their bodies.  If you have an allergy or sensitivity to scents, you enter our premises at your own risk and at your own choice.  The studio will have various scents and aromas.


Special Classes & Workshops 


·    Special classes and workshops are non-refundable. Due to the advanced notice required in arranging courses and workshops, changes (switching into other courses/workshops) are not possible.  No credits. No refunds. Non-transferable. No exceptions. 


·    In the event that a course or workshop is canceled, registered students are eligible for a refund or may select an alternative and equally priced course or workshop option based on availability and course or workshop offerings or receive a Fire Fly Yoga & Reiki School credit for future use.


Private Instruction Cancellations and Refunds


• Full payment will be charged and non-refundable if you cancel within 24 hours or less than 24 hours. If you are late for a private class, the class will end at the original time scheduled. 

• An additional late cancellation charge of $25 will be charged if you cancel within 5 hours or less than 5 hours. 

• No exceptions.  Regardless of emergency, accidents, family/children issues. Our time is valuable as is yours. 


Reiki or Massage Cancellations

• Full payment will be charged and non-refundable if you cancel within 24 hours or less than 24 hours. If you are late for a private class, the class will end at the original time scheduled. 

• An additional late cancellation charge of $25 will be charged if you cancel within 5 hours or less than 5 hours. 

• No exceptions.  Regardless of emergency, accidents, family/children issues. Our time is valuable as is yours. 


Class Pack Policy

• Please choose your class packs carefully and note the expiration dates of the different class packs offered.

• Class packs are non-refundable, no credits, non-transferable.  No exceptions.

• Once you class pack expires. It becomes null and void.

*All Class Pack holders must pre-register &

pre-pay on the website or on Spaces by Wix App.

* This is to ensure you have a reserved space in class as class sizes are limited due to the size of the space.



Young Student Client Policy

• Our regularly scheduled classes are designed for students 16 and older.  The yoga practice of a child is different than for an adult.  If you would like to bring your child to regular yoga classes with you, he/she must be at least 12 years or older and follow the criteria listed here:

• Sign separate consent form and liability release and image/media release and studio policy agreement and covid policy for each child participating in class

•Place your mat beside your child in the back of the room nearest to the door so you may exit quietly if you need to do so. 

• It is the parent/legal guardian’s responsibility to watch over their child to ensure they do not injure themselves or disrupt class.  The instructor will refrain from adjusting your child.


Dog Friendly/ Pet Policy

• Fire Fly Yoga & Reiki School lobby is a dog friendly area. Must be leashed at all times.  If any physical damage or retail items are damaged, dog owner is responsible and required to compensate for all damages incurred. 

• Fire Fly Yoga & Reiki School has a staff member that requires Service Animal to be with him/her at all times. 

• Only a Certified Service Animal is legally permitted inside the Yoga Studio Class area.

• Fire Fly Yoga will maintain a strict cleaning schedule daily and weekly to keep all the spaces and equipment cleaned and sanitized to the best of our abilities.

• If you have any pet/animal allergies, there may be pet allergens on the premises. You are entering Fire Fly Yoga & Reiki School premises at your own risk & you are fully aware of this pet allergen warning & take full responsibility for yourself and your own needs.  

• We value your patronage and want you to be comfortable. Since our lobby is pet-friendly, we’ve increased our regular cleaning schedule to be sure we’re minimizing pet allergens and keeping the space comfortable for everyone.


Studio Maximum Capacity

            • There is a limit to how many bodies can comfortably fit per class in the Main Studio or in Studio B

• All Members must pre-register on Space by Wix App or on the website to reserve your class space.

• If the Class is FULL with on-line/app booking, students are welcome to come to the studio (15) minutes before class for possible no shows or last minute cancellations,

* there is no guarantee you will be admitted into class*

• This studio respects and will abide by all Bella Vista Fire Department maximum capacity numbers for our Main Studio and Studio B



• First come, First Serve.  Please arrive early with ample time to find parking at peak hours of 4:00-6:00PM Monday thru Friday. Weekends at lunch & dinner time will also be peak parking time. There are several businesses in the shared plaza. Please allot for extra time to find parking in the immediate plaza or shopping plaza adjacent (next door).  The parking lots connect and you may park in both parking plaza areas. 

• There are two reserved parking spaces for Fire Fly Yoga & Reiki School.  

These are reserved for Staff ONLY.

•If you have complaint about parking, please contact: 

Highlander Plaza, LLC   Manager: John 

Email:  Phone: (479) 409-6670

•Fire Fly Yoga & Reiki School has no control, no power, no influences, no magic wands to be able to remedy the parking lot or your parking complaint.

As a paying customer of Highlander Plaza, you have the power of your voice!

We ask that you are kind to the staff and refrain from complaining about parking to the Fire Fly Staff. Parking lot is completely out of our control.



Retail Store

• All retail items purchased are final. No cash refunds.  Credit only for all retail store items with a valid store receipt and within (7) days of purchase. Credit Only. No exceptions.


Gift Cards

• Gift Cards are non-refundable and non-returnable. If purchased for a specific pass or workshop or event or training, they cannot be used as cash.  Gift Cards may be used to purchase Retail Items offered in the Lobby Area.


 Membership Cancellation


• Membership’s automatic payments are non-refundable, non-transferable, no credits.  With purchase of  Pre-Grand Opening Sale Price of any of the following listed: ($65 Regular, $50 Senior, $55 Student) there is no cancellation. In the event of a serious medical issue or condition, cancellation will be permitted with a written physical letter written with a digital copy emailed to: and signed by a medical professional that states you are unfit and unable to continue with your yoga membership and also paying (2) full months of membership to be able to cancel and null & void the remainder of your Unlimited Yoga Agreement/Contract of auto monthly billing.



Full priced paid Unlimited Yoga Membership ($75 and up…) Perks.

• Full Priced Paid Unlimited Yoga Membership has option to Freeze for one billing cycle within (12) month agreement with one month advanced written notice and with approval from Studio.


• Full Priced Paid Unlimited Yoga Membership has full access to LIVE and On-Line Yoga Classes during the (12) month contracted term (when the Studio is capable of such offerings).


• VIP access to special events and Studio Offerings, special discounts offered each season, first to opportunity for signups on all Studio Offerings before announced to general public and one free special event in calendar year for Full Priced Paid VIP Members Only. 


Reiki Training or Yoga Teacher Training Cancellations

• Application fees and/or Deposit fees are non-refundable under any circumstances. After the payment has been received, there will be no refunds, no credits, non-transferable, no exceptions. Funds received will not be applied to the following course offering at a future time. Student will need to pay the fee and/or deposit again if they choose to pursue the same training at a future date.


• When training commences, once tuition has been received, there will be no refunds, no credits, non-transferable, no exceptions.


• Signing up for Reiki or Yoga Teacher training is commitment and hours of the Studio’s preparation for these trainings: Planning, class content, supplies, guest speakers or additional supplemental content has been budgeted and paid for. 

• Student choosing not to participate is to make the choice to walk away from your monetary commitment to the training program. 



Yoga Retreat Cancellations

·      Deposit for Yoga Retreats are non-refundable. Due to the advanced notice required in arranging scheduled events, classes, workshops, and retreat courses, refunds are not possible.  No credits. No refunds. Non-transferable. No exceptions. 


  • In the event that yoga retreat is canceled, registered students are eligible for a full refund or Fire Fly Yoga & Reiki School credit for future for the next yoga retreat schedule or towards class pack or new membership if not already a member of the studio.





Risk & Responsibility

·    Fire Fly Yoga & Reiki School does not accept responsibility for students who do not follow the class instructions as provided by the teacher. Any medical or physical conditions, recent or persistent injuries, or relevant disclosures must be made by students to the teacher prior to the beginning of class. Prior to, during, or after class, it is the responsibility of students to inform the teacher if they are experiencing any pain or discomfort.


·    The use of Fire Fly Yoga & Reiki School facilities denotes the acceptance of the risk associated with all forms of physical exercise, both during and after.


·    Fire Fly Yoga & Reiki School, including any staff, owners, managers, and directors, will not be held liable for: a) any injury or harm resulting in participation or use of facilities, and b) any damage to or loss of personal property.



Lost or Left Property

·    Fire Fly Yoga & Reiki School does not accept any responsibility for personal property left at the facilities. Left items will be kept in a lost and found box. Every Friday, all items will be donated to a charitable organization.

The Studio will NOT hold any items at the front desk.




Our Rights

Fire Fly Yoga & Reiki School  reserves the right to change the terms & conditions as well as prices and class schedules at any time. Significant changes will be indicated by notice on this website. 

Fire Fly Yoga & Reiki School reserves the right to refuse service or entry into the studio.


If you have any questions about these terms and conditions, please contact us via email: or via phone: (479)323-2200.

We Invite you to get in touch

Text or Call:


Email Address:



Our Physical Address:

Private Residence

Your Home or Work Place

Instructor's Location

Downtown Rogers




©2021 Fire Fly Yoga & Reiki School

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